Marine Geospatial Ecology Tools (MGET)
Marine Geospatial Ecology Tools (MGET) Demonstration by Jason Roberts of Duke University (October 15, 2008). MGET, also known as the GeoEco Python package, is an open source geoprocessing toolbox designed for coastal and marine researchers and GIS analysts who .with spatially-explicit ecological and oceanographic data in scientific or management workflows. MGET includes over 150 tools useful for a variety of tasks, such as converting oceanographic data to ArcGIS formats, identifying oceanographic features (e.g. SST fronts), fitting and evaluating statistical models such as GAMs and GLMs by automatically interfacing ArcGIS with the R statistics program, analyzing coral reef connectivity by simulating larval dispersal, and building grids that summarize fishing effort, CPUE and other statistics. MGET may be accessed from ArcGIS as a toolbox in the ArcToolbox window and from programming languages as a set of Python modules and COM Automation components. This demonstration will illustrate a few of the most popular tools in the MGET package by building and evaluating a presence/absence habitat model. Learn more about MGET.