Demonstration of MINOE (Beta Version): A Tool to Analyze Management from an Ecosystem Perspective by Julia Ekstrom of Stanford University (February 5, 2009).  MINOE is a new tool to help navigate existing laws and regulations (and associated agencies) in an ecosystem context. The tool allows users to construct (or import) an ecosystem model representing elements and relationships of interest to the user. The tool then outputs the laws and regulations containing the ecosystem elements and relationships. It also outputs (and marks in red) those ecosystem relationships that are not explicitly addressed in any law or regulation.  Each element is defined by the user with a set of terms or phrases.  Additional features in this beta version include: 1) viewing list of documents that contain ecosystem element or ecosystem relationship, 2) viewing agencies in charge of relevant documents, 3) statistical tests of similarity between ecosystem model and related law/regulation matrix, and 4) visualization module to graphically explore data.  The purpose of this demonstration of the beta version of the tool is to get feedback from potential users on additional features that would make this most useful and to find collaborators for applications of the tool in the marine or other domains of governance.  Learn more about the tool at www.minoesoftware.com.  

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