Demonstration of OpenNSPECT, an Open Source Version of the Nonpoint-Source Pollution and Erosion Comparison Tool by Dave Eslinger of NOAA Coastal Services Center (February 24, 2011). OpenNSPECT is a new, open-source version of the Nonpoint-Source Pollution and Erosion Comparison Tool (N-SPECT), which required ESRI ArcMap and Spatial Analyst for operation. The new version of the tool, openNSPECT, uses MapWindow (, similar to the EPA's BASINS suite of tools. OpenNSPECT helps coastal mangers and local officials investigate potential water quality impacts to rivers and streams from development, other land uses, and climate change. Users first enter information about their area (land cover, elevation, precipitation, and soil characteristics) to create the base data layer. They can then add different land cover change scenarios (such as a development) to get information about potential changes in surface water runoff, nonpoint pollution, and erosion. Learn more about N-SPECT at and OpenNSPECT at