Presentation on Esri’s Emerging Natural and Ocean Sciences Agenda by Dawn Wright of Esri (August 2, 2012).
Presentation on Esri’s Emerging Natural and Ocean Sciences Agenda by Dawn Wright of Esri (August 2, 2012). Increasingly, GIS is part of the collaboration between computer scientists, information scientists, and domain scientists to solve complex scientific questions. Successfully addressing scientific problems, such as informing regional decision- and policy-making for coastal zone management and marine spatial planning, requires integrative and innovative approaches to analyzing, modeling, and developing extensive and diverse data sets. The current chaotic distribution of available data sets, lack of documentation about them, and lack of easy-to-use access tools and computer modeling and analysis codes are still major obstacles for scientists and educators alike. Contributing solutions to these problems is part of an emerging science agenda for oceanography and related natural sciences that will be discussed. Esri has also recently launched a major ocean GIS initiative, and the talk will highlight some recent projects in progress, including a new ocean basemap, a new ocean geodesign platform for coastal and marine spatial planning, developing contributions to CI's Ocean Health Index project, and more. Learn more at