Presentation on Economics: National Ocean Watch (ENOW) by Jeff Adkins of NOAA Coastal Services Center
Presentation on Economics: National Ocean Watch (ENOW) by Jeff Adkins of NOAA Coastal Services Center (August 2 at 2 pm EDT/11 am PDT/6 pm GMT). A wide range of economic activity is linked to the oceans and Great Lakes. Economics: National Ocean Watch (ENOW) aggregates data for 448 coastal counties, 30 coastal states, and the nation from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Bureau of Economic Analysis to tell compelling stories of the economic importance of living resources, marine construction, marine transportation, offshore mineral resources, ship and boat building, and tourism and recreation. For the first time, data on these vital components of our national economy are available for mapping and analysis, using four economic indicators: establishments, employment, wages, and Gross Domestic Product. These data as well as products ranging from quick summaries of county-level statistics and in-depth reports on regional trends are produced by NOAA Coastal Services Center and are available for download at Register for the webinar at